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الترتيب حسب :
غسول البشرة الدهنية 250ملي

غسول البشرة الدهنية 250ملي

LE 295.00
غسول منظف ومغذي الغسول الوحيد الغني بالبروتينات وحمض الهيالويورنيك ينقي بشرتك لا يسبب الجفاف يرطب البشرة يحمي من التجاعيد والشيخوخه ضعي من 3-5 ملي وافركي وجهك جيدا بالفرشاة لمدة 30...
Velvet Nail Care ڤيلڤت لوشن العناية بالاظافر - Appearance Factors

Velvet Nail Care ڤيلڤت لوشن العناية بالاظافر

LE 298.00
A formula rich in biotin and natural oils to protect your nails from dryness and breakage, and provide a long lasting shine.
Velvet Sexy spell BODY SPLASH

Velvet Sexy spell BODY SPLASH

LE 240.00
Body Splash brings you the ultimate experience of the scents of nature, leaving you with a long lasting fragrance. Spray generously on your body. Avoid eye contact, and in case...
فيلفت سولي معطر للجسم 220 مل

فيلفت سولي معطر للجسم 220 مل

LE 240.00
يقدم لك معطر جسم تجربة مثالية لرائح الطبيعة ، مما يترك لك عطرا يدوم طويلا . رشي بسخاء على جسمك. تجنبي ملامسة العينين ، وفي حالة حدوث ذلك اشطفيها فورا...
Velvet body lotion ( dreamy night )

Velvet body lotion ( dreamy night )

LE 240.00
Velvet Body Lotion ( Dreamy night ) Velvet Body Lotion is designed to deeply moisturize your skin with a blend of natural ingredients, including Sweet Almond Oil, Olive Oil, and...
Velvet body lotion ( Yay love )

Velvet body lotion ( Yay love )

LE 240.00
Velvet Body Lotion Velvet Body Lotion is designed to deeply moisturize your skin with a blend of natural ingredients, including Sweet Almond Oil, Olive Oil, and Coconut Oil, along with...
Velvet Body Lotion ( Roc sensation )

Velvet Body Lotion ( Roc sensation )

LE 240.00
Velvet Body Lotion is designed to deeply moisturize your skin with a blend of natural ingredients, including Sweet Almond Oil, Olive Oil, and Coconut Oil, along with nourishing elements like...
Velvet Body Lotion ( Roasy )

Velvet Body Lotion ( Roasy )

LE 240.00
Velvet Body Lotion is designed to deeply moisturize your skin with a blend of natural ingredients, including Sweet Almond Oil, Olive Oil, and Coconut Oil, along with nourishing elements like...
Velvet body lotion ( Souly )

Velvet body lotion ( Souly )

LE 240.00
Velvet Body Lotion is designed to deeply moisturize your skin with a blend of natural ingredients, including Sweet Almond Oil, Olive Oil, and Coconut Oil, along with nourishing elements like...
Temptation body splash

Temptation body splash

LE 240.00
Experience ultimate freshness with our Body Splash, a unique blend of tropical florals, refreshing cactus blossom, and sweet mango essence. Designed to transport you to an exotic paradise, this body...
Leave-in conditioner

Leave-in conditioner

LE 250.00
Nourishing Hair Conditioner Prevents Hair Falling as it's rich in Aminexil  Prevents hair splitting and fizz as it's rich in proteins like Capauxein, Kerestore as a keratin source. Soothes the hair with best oil complex Vit E, Allantoin, Argan, Jojoba, Olive...